During the period of funding

A member of staff from the Senate’s Department for Culture and Europe will supervise the funded projects and help ensure that the funding is administered correctly.

Commencement of funding

First of all, you will receive written notice of the funding. This does not yet mean, however, that the funding has been officially confirmed and notified (Zuwendungsbescheid or notification of funding). At this point, it is therefore important not to enter into any financial obligations or engage in any expenditure. Otherwise you will have to bear any such costs yourself. Only once the notification has been received is the period for which funding has been approved determined and the project can begin.

Before any money is spent, you should contact the project supervisor. If you don’t know who the supervisor is, you can ask at the Office of the Capital Cultural Fund.

Naming the Capital Cultural Fund as the sponsor

All publications (catalogs, accompanying booklets for exhibitions, programs, invitations, etc.), Internet presentations etc. as well as all promotional material should mention the fact that the realization of the project has been made possible with funding from the Capital Cultural Fund; here the logo of the Capital Cultural Fund should be used. All publications require prior approval from the Office of the Capital Cultural Fund.

Formal requirements after the funding

Once the project has been completed, a statement on the expenditure of funds—the so-called Verwendungsnachweis—should be submitted. This will be reviewed by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. This statement should include a report, documentation of the figures, and a list of receipts for income and expenditure. The templates for this can be downloaded here.

Invitations for jury members

You can invite jury members and the curator to the funded projects by sending an e-mail to:



Here you will find all common file formats of the HKF logo.
If the format you require is not available, please contact the responsible project manager.
The logos are only available for HKF-funded projects.