
Recipient of the funding:
Berliner Gazette e.V.

Cooperation partner:
Pioniernutzung Haus der Statistik, ZK/U - Berlin, transmediale

Silent Works


Haus der Statistik
Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, 10178 Berlin
Sa. 07.11. - Sa. 28.11.2020

Whose Labor Is Hidden In AI-Capitalism?

Crossdisciplinary Exhibition

Exhibition, Conference + Texts Haus der Statistik, Nov 7-28 curated by Magdalena Taube & Krystian Woznicki

The SILENT WORKS exhibition will take place at the Haus der Statistik on November 7-28, 2020. It will bring artistic approaches together that explore the imperceptibilization of labor processes as the basis for coding, controlling, and conditioning social reality. This inquiry into the politics of making labor im/perceptible will shed light on the ongoing restructuring of work and, last but not least, enable a recasting of what labor means in the context of art and media. Save the date of the exhibition opening: November 7, 2020 at 5 p.m. with Klaus Lederer, Senator for Culture and Europe of Berlin and Deputy Governing Mayor of Berlin, who will give a talk and discuss with artists of the exhibition. The artists invited to contribute to the SILENT WORKS exhibition include Tekla Aslanishvili (Georgia), EEEFFF (Belarus/Russia), Giorgi Gago Gagoshidze (Georgia), Melanie Gilligan (US), Benjamin Heisenberg (Switzerland), Into the Black Box (Italy), Petero Kalulé (UK), Anja Kanngieser (Australia), metroZones (Germany), NoCyberValley (Germany), oddviz (Turkey), University of the Phoenix (Canada), Peng! (Germany), Shinseungback Kimyonghun (South Korea), and Diego de la Vega Coffee Co-op (Mexico/US). Opening hours: Wed-Sat 1-7 p.m. Free admission. Please wear a face mask and practise social distancing when entering and navigating the exhibition.

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